Post Graduate
Specialized Grant

Eligibility Process

All requests for Postgraduate Specialized Grants must be submitted in writing by the requesting organization directly to [email protected].
Scientific paperwork

Please note the following general guidelines for Postgraduate Specialized Grants:

- Requesting organization must be tax exempt or government affiliated

- Requests are limited to one grant per University for each academic year
Eye patient in OR

The submission must include the following information about the organization:

- Organization’s name, address, phone number that coordinates with the W9 (for US institutions) or that coordinates with the Certificate of Incorporation or Certificate of Existence (for Canadian institutions)

- Lead contact at requesting organization with phone number and email address for follow up

- Letter of Request on School’s letterhead signed by the chair

Note: The submission must include Program Budget, Course Syllabus, Educational Objectives and Post Event Outcomes Measurement Plan
Laser in the eye during surgery

Next steps:

1. Request is reviewed by the IME Grant Office

2. Notification will be provided within 5 business days determining whether request will be accepted for consideration

Accepted requests will remain active unless notified otherwise by requesting party

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